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The planetary health concept describes the relations between health and climate. The inequities thatconnect these two domains are experienced most by low-resource and vulnerable populations, e.g.the impact of drought on subsistence livelihoods and associated mental health issues. Climate justiceand health justice are framed through capabilities and integrated with ecofeminist approaches.Spatial justice is introduced as the ability to conceptualise how these interconnected injusticesare mediated through environments. The integration of these theories can provide a justice-basedplanetary health approach that could overcome several barriers. Design and spatial practice offerprocesses and tools to understand the complexity of planetary health across scales, systems andrelations; and to generate design solutions that promote equity and justice. Practical examplesof Global South design projects are presented that connect health and climate. The example of amaternal health project in rural Kenya shows how a conceptual design framework for a justice-basedplanetary health can contribute to the planetary health.